Saddle Consignment

We sell used saddles on consignment with a 30% fee of the sale price and allow trials. We have a variety of brands and price ranges at any given time.

We are interested in selling your used hunt seat (AKA jump/ close contact) saddles that range in value from entry level to high end. We only accept select dressage saddles, but honestly do not have a good market for them in this store. We do not accept any all purpose saddles. However, we have strict quality guidelines for saddles we accept because we know that good saddle fit is essential to horse health:

  • Saddles must be made within the last 25 years. See pics below for examples of saddles we will not accept.

  • Must be a name brand

  • Must feature knee pads, suede is OK depending on the saddle

  • Have good panels that are not hard

  • Be made of leather (sorry, no Wintec)

  • Blemishes and damage are acceptable, so long as overall saddle quality meeets our guidelines

The images above are examples of saddles we will accept (left) and will not accept (right). Both saddles feature knee rolls, so why won’t we accept the one on the right?

By looking at the seat shape you can tell this saddle is an old style, probably 25+ years old. The seat is a bucket style, high in the front and back, and it does not feature any padding for rider comfort. The panels in the back of the saddle are extremely upswept (curved)- horse’s backs are not shaped like this! The panels are also thin, and you can bet they are hard as rocks. Beyond the seat, the flap is cut back at the front and a shape that is not seen on newer saddle styles.

The saddle on the left is still probably 10+ years old, but it is distinctly different in style; the seat is more flat with a lower pommel and cantle, but is is clearly well padded for rider comfort. The panels are thick (and feature cantle gussets, so it’s definitely wool flocked) and are most likely soft and cushioned for the horse’s back. The flap extends forward and had nice knee pads and probably even has knee rolls.